TASK: Territory problems to be analyzed and later solved in our proposal.
LOCATION: Both sides of the river Neris from the Silo bridge until Klinikos hospital; Vilnius, Lithuania.
1. Divide the urban blocks along the riverside according to the surrounding scale;
2. Balance the amount of greenery and built-up lands on each side of the river; develop and add functions to the river banks to make the territory alive.
3. Create an additional connection for pedestrians between two banks of Neris river;
4. Finish the maze-alike arrangement of houses and create a LABYRINTH, intersecting public and private functions and spaces.
* Division of public and private spaces came out to be a challenge; Because of that I used ancient Greek myth about Ariadne and her thread (according to the legend Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos of Crete, helped Theseus find his way through the labyrinth with a red fleece thread).
*** Red color is often used as a symbol of sin and anger; people believe that having a lot of red around makes one aggressive. But according to one of the concepts of anthroposophical medicine, based on T. J. Weihs’ research, if one appears in a red environment, his/her body starts producing a big amount of calming hormones. This paradoxical concept inspired me more to use red path in such scale for this reconstruction project.

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