Monday, May 9, 2011
სადიპლომო პროექტი - საგარეო საქმეთა სამინისტრო ვილნიუსში /My Final Project - Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Vilnius

TASK: Extension building of existing foreign ministry of Lithuania in Vilnius; More open to public with public activities on the ground floor and offices on the top.
LOCATION: 3 J.Tumo-vaizganato st., Vilnius, Lithuania.
CONCEPT: When we
talk about countries and politics, one of the mostly used terms we hear is democracy. Today’s modern (representative) democracies imitate ancient Roman model of it. And for me one of the highest levels of roman democracy is shown in thermaes – buildings which were centers of public bathing and socialization. Built as public monuments, baths were used by everyone, whether rich or poor. A person could eat, exercise, read, drink, sho
p, socialize, and discuss politics. The modern equivalent would be a combination of a library, art gallery, mall, bar/restaurant, gym, and spa. So thermaes have a “full package” of public functions harmoniously together. Using thermaes in a governmental institution has a lot of advantages, since it offers:
• Equality
• “Naked truth”
• Versatility of functions
• Mental and physical health care for public and ministry staff
• Motivation of work
• Relation with Lithuanian culture and sauna traditions
Because of all up mentioned reasons I decided to break a stereotype of closed ministries and “apply” roman-type of democracy together with various multi-func
tional public activities to the extension building.
საპრეზენტაციო პლანშეტები/Presentation Panels:

შენობის მოცულობის კონცეფცია/Concept of the Volume:

ექსტერიერის ესკიზები/Exterior Sketches:

ვიზუალური კავშირების სქემა/Scheme of Visual Links:

ინტერიერის ესკიზები/Sketches of Interior:
1. საგამოფენო სივრცე და ბიბლიოთეკა; 2. აბანო და საუნა საზოგადოებრივი მოხმარებისთვის; 3. კაფეტერია სამინისტროს თანამშრომლებისთვის ხედით ბიბლიოთეკისკენ; 4. სამინისტროს ერთ-ერთი საოფისე ფართი; 5. ტერასა თანამშრომლებისთვის. / 1.Exhibition space and library; 2.Public baths & saunas; 3. Cafeteria for ministry staff; 4.One of the office spaces of the ministry; 5. Terrace

მაკეტი / Model

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